Project Highlight
Renovation of the Sterile Processing Services

CLIENT: Department of Veterans Affairs
G.V. Sonny Montgomery VA Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) operates one of the largest healthcare systems in the United States. The country’s Veterans are provided healthcare in over 150 hospitals and medical centers and over 800 outpatient clinics. In addition to the basic healthcare needs, Veterans are provided with specific clinical services due to a higher prevalence of disabilities from traumatic injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and neurological disorders. To respond to these needs, VA is in the process of developing and integrating a patient centered care delivery. This approach allows healthcare providers to enhance healing and support better outcomes and mirrors general trends in healthcare.
The Sterile Processing Service (SPS) main function is to ensure adequate and timely provision of properly cleaned, disinfected, and sterilized semi-critical and critical Reusable Medical Equipment (RME) for all supported clinical procedure rooms in the facility (ORs, DTRs, Specialty Procedure Rooms, etc.). Thus, instrument sets, patient care equipment, and other medical devices must be processed and distributed in an accurate and timely manner so that veterans care is not adversely affected.
The G.V. Sonny Montgomery Sterile Processing Service (SPS) expansion includes the renovation of 11,000 SF of space in an occupied facility. To accommodate continued operations for the SPS, a Mobile SPS was included in the project to permit these services to continue while construction is performed in the existing space. The surrounding space remained fully operational during the phased construction for the project. Advon’s construction services include temporary construction, alterations, site work, electrical work, utility systems, necessary removal of existing structures, as well as reconfiguration of systems, ceilings, walls, and flooring as necessary to support new equipment on the first floor of the SPS.
The first activity for the work was preparation of the site for placement of the Mobile SPS. An existing conditions survey was performed to identify and locate existing infrastructure required for the Mobile unit. A new foundation was constructed for placement and tie-down of the unit. Power, potable water, sanitary sewer, fire water, communications and data, and the interface with the building fire alarm system were connected to the Mobile SPS.
Advon conducted a thorough verification of existing conditions for all spaces and systems, prior to the start of construction, to minimize conflicts with unknown conditions which could lead to delays in the construction schedule and potential costly change orders. A Phasing Plan was developed, as the facility and SPS department are fully functional during construction, so as not to disturb patient flow in and around the hospital. At the beginning of the construction process, and continuing through the duration of construction, we set up infection control barriers and fans, warning signs, construction barriers and caution tape to delineate the construction areas to alert staff and patients of areas of work and to keep them safe. When necessary, work was stopped, and the temporary barriers and work areas were broken down to accommodate patients and staff as needed.