Project Highlight
Cryogenic Dock Refurbishment

Stennis Space Center, Mississippi
The E-Complex at Stennis Space Center is intended for research and development of components, propulsion system elements and complete propulsion systems and engine. Stennis maintains a High Pressure Gas Facility to keep the 20 miles of distributed underground piping supplied with hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, and missile grade air. A High Pressure Industrial Water system supplies cooling water to the Test Stands with backup diesel power generators to help maintain Test Stand integrity. The Cryogenic Storage and Transfer Facility maintains a fleet of cryogenic barges to move propellant to the A and B Test Stands.
Refurbishment of the Cryogenic Storage Facility’s Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Hydrogen barge dock. The facility remained fully operational during construction. This project is located within the Test Complex at NASA Stennis Space Center.
Learn more about the John C. Stennis Space Center here